Presentation of “Tu reino”, by Taimi Dieguez, who won in 2022 the Granada Writers-in-Residence Programme

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the institutional presentation of the poetry book Tu reino by Taimi Dieguez will take place in the Workshop Room of the Federico García Lorca Center. Taimi Dieguez won in 2022 the Granada Writers-in-Residence Programme.
The poetry collection was written during November 2022, while Taimi Dieguez stayed at the Corrala de Santiago in Granada, and was published in 2024 by Márgenes Editores. The presentation will begin at 12:30 p.m. and will feature the participation of Jesús Ortega, José Miguel Gómez Acosta, and the author. Admission is free until full capacity is reached.
The Granada Writers-in-Residence-Programme is a collaborative project between Granada City of Literature UNESCO Office, under the Granada City Council’s Department of Arts, and the University of Granada, primarily through the Office of University Extension. In 2022, the programme received a total of 180 applications from 50 countries, including submissions from Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Cuba, Nigeria, the United States, and Ukraine.
On October 3, 2022, the jury, convening at the Federico García Lorca Center and composed of Pilar Núñez (representing the University of Granada), Jesús Ortega (representing Granada City of Literature UNESCO), and writer José Miguel Gómez Acosta, selected Frank Westerman (Netherlands) and Taimi Dieguez (Cuba) as the new Residents.
As a result of her residency Tu reino was created. Currently, Taimi Dieguez resides in Granada, pursuing a Master’s in Literary and Theatrical Studies at the University of Granada.
The Author: Taimi Dieguez

Taimi Dieguez (Cuba, 1990) is a playwright, poet, fiction writer, and theater creator. She earned a degree in Theater Arts, specializing in Playwriting, from the University of the Arts (ISA) in 2018. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Literary and Theatrical Studies at the University of Granada. She was invited to the 40th edition of the Marché de la Poésie in Paris, France, from June 7 to 11, 2023, as part of a delegation of young poets from the Caribbean through the UNESCO Transcultura Program. In 2022, she was awarded a residency in the International Writers in Residence Program in Granada (November 2 to December 2), jointly organized by the City Council of Granada, under its Granada City of Literature UNESCO program, and the University of Granada.
Her works have received multiple accolades, including: The Matanzas City Foundation Prize (2018) for Con la ropa de mi madre. Obra para ser dicha por el perro hembra (With My Mother’s Clothes. A Play to Be Performed by the Female Dog); The Hermanos Loynaz Narrative Prize (2018) for her short story collection Piedras a los varones (Stones to the Men); The Santa Clara City Foundation Prize (2019) for Manzanas sobre la nieve. Drama semiepistolar (Apples on the Snow: A Semi-Epistolary Drama); The José Jacinto Milanés Theater Prize (2019) for Demonio sobre césped cortado (Demon on Trimmed Grass).
These works have been published by Cuban publishing houses. Her text Los que no despiertan (Those Who Don’t Wake), which received an Honorable Mention at the Virgilio Piñera Playwriting Award in 2016, was featured in Tablas magazine, No. 1-2, 2017. In 2022, she reissued Piedras a los varones through Ediciones Primigenios (USA) and published her poetry collection El largo otoño (The Long Autumn) in 2023 with Dominican publisher Lunainsomne. In 2024, she released Tu reino (Your Kingdom), a poetry collection published by Márgenes Editores (Spain). Taimi Dieguez currently resides in Granada, where she has collaborated with Granada City of Literature UNESCO, the theater company Títeres Etcétera, and the Granada Book Fair.
The publisher: José Miguel Gómez Acosta

José Miguel Gómez Acosta (Almería, 1975) is a poet, architect, editor, illustrator, translator, and contributor to specialized press. In 2014, he won the García Lorca Poetry Prize from the University of Granada for El gran norte (Point de Lunettes), later republished in 2017 as a bilingual Spanish/Icelandic edition, El gran norte/Norðrið mæra (Márgenes Editores). His most recent poetry collections, Viaje a lugares inaccesibles (2019) and La luz es una región fronteriza (2023), were published by Abada Editores. In the field of experimental poetry, he won the Francisco Pino Experimental Poetry Prize from the Jorge Guillén Foundation in 2016 and was a finalist for the 2019 Puchi Award for Experimental Poetry from La Casa Encendida. As an editor, he founded Márgenes Editores, where he has published works by authors such as Luis García Montero, Paula Puigmartí, Lara López, Sergio Mayor, and Taimi Dieguez, among others. Gómez Acosta has created various illustrations and exhibited his drawings as part of the Aulago Group. Additionally, within the “Architecture and Contemporary Culture” Research Group, he has authored several texts exploring the relationship between architecture and poetry, as well as studies on Iceland and Nordic topics.