Multipoetry Krakow. Erika Martínez

Between August 2014 and December 2015 the KraKow UNESCO City of Literature progamme organised a “multipoetry” project that involved the other UCCN Cities of Literature, furthering the network’s objectives for international cooperation. The project, titled Krakow Multipoetry, consists of the first few days of each month (with each day being allocated a different city, from the 1st to the 10th) being devoted to enabling the Cities of Literaqture to project poetry, in English and Polish, onto the walls of one of the best-known buildings in the city’s old quarter: the Potocki building on Bracka Street.
Granada joined the project in June 2015, with ten poets participating, from which Krakow chose seven before the project ended in December de 2015: Ioana Gruia, Ángeles Mora, Mónica Doña, Juan Carlos Friebe, Trinidad Gan, Erika Martínez and Virgilio Cara.
On 9 December 2015 a poem by Erika Martínez was projected:
The words I have not said
breath the air that lacks me.
Without space, the search.
Do I remember what I have been?
The windows open inwards.
Erika Martínez (b. Granada, 1979) holds a PhD in Hispanic philology and B.A. in literature theory from the University of Granada. With her first poetry collection, Color carne (Pre-Textos, 2009), she won the Radio Nacional de España Young Poets Prize. Her second collection, El falso techo (Pre-Textos, 2013), was selected as one of the five best poetry collections by the critics of El Cultural and nominated for the Critics’ Prize. She has also published a book of aphorisms, Lenguaraz (Pre-Textos, 2011). She is currently a columnist for the newspaper Granada Hoy and teaches at the University of Granada.