Ángeles Mora at “Sábado en Armas”

Javier Egea wrote that poetry is a “pequeño pueblo en armas contra la soledad”. From the Asociación Cultural del Diente de Oro, we want to contribute to raise that small town and with that motivation we start a new cycle of poetic meetings with the collaboration of Granada City of Literature UNESCO. “Sábado en armas” aims to create a space where once a month on Saturday is poetry, a joyful occasion for dialogue and community that resists violence and disaffection of our world.
Asociación del Diente de Oro
On Saturday, January 28, 2023, at 12:30 pm, “Sábado en Armas”, the new cycle of poetry readings of the Asociación del Diente de Oro, is going on at the Centro Federico García Lorca. This activity will consist of a reading of poems by Ángeles Mora, presented by Ioana Gruia. Organized by: Asociación del Diente de Oro. Collaborators: Granada UNESCO City of Literature and Centro Federico García Lorca.
Ángeles Mora

Ángeles Mora (Rute, 1952) is the National Poetry Prize and the National Critics Prize, 2016, for her book of poems Ficciones para una autobiografía. She has lived in Granada since 1980, where she graduated in Hispanic Philology. He published her first book of poems, Pensando que el camino iba derecho, in 1982, followed by La canción del olvido in 1985 and La guerra de los treinta años in 1989, for which he won the Rafael Alberti Prize for poetry. In 2000 he published Caligrafía del ayer, in 2001 Contradicciones, pájaros (Premio Ciudad de Melilla, book that has been translated into Italian (Contraddizioni, uccelli, 2005), and in 2008 Bajo la alfombra. There are also three anthologies of her work: Antología poética (1982-1995), edition of Luis Muñoz, 1995; ¿Las mujeres son mágicas?, with a foreword by Miguel Ángel García, 2006, and La sal sobre la nieve. Antología poética 1982-2017, edition of Ioana Gruia, 2017 (extended in the second edition of 2021). Also in 2005, Antología poética appears in the Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes. On her work has been published in 2022 La poesía de Ángeles Mora. Otra manera de mirar el mundo (edition of Juan Jurado Morales). Her last book of poems is Soñar con bicicletas (2022).
Ioana Gruia

Ioana Gruia (Bucharest, 1978) is a professor of comparative literature at the University of Granada, as well as a poet and novelist. She has published, among others, the essays Eliot y la escritura del tiempo en la poesía española (2009), La obra de Norman Manea: crítica e interpretación (2016), La cicatriz en la literatura europea contemporánea (Renacimiento, 2016), La literatura comparada, una disciplina hospitalaria (2021) y Tocar la piel del tiempo. La poesía de Luis García Montero (2022). The poetry of Luis García Montero (Renaissance, 2022). As a poet she has published the books Otoño sin cuerpo (2002, finalist of the García Lorca prize of the UGR), El sol en la fruta (2011, Andalusia Young prize of poetry), Carrusel (2016, Emilio Alarcos prize) and La luz que enciende el cuerpo (2021, Argensola Brothers Award). In narrative, she has published the novels La vendedora de tiempo (2013) and El expediente Albertina (2016, Tiflos prize), and the book of stories: Las mujeres de Hopper (2022).