Poetry reading by Anja Golob at the Granada Book Fair 2022

The Granada UNESCO City of Literature Programme (Area of Arts of Granada City Council) collaborates once again with the Granada Book Fair.

This year the UNESCO City of Literature invited will be Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, and in addition to welcoming its Culture Councillor, Mateja Demšič, during the opening of the Fair, we held a series of events with Slovenian poets, writers and intellectuals.

On Friday 20 May we will have the opportunity to hear the poems of Anja Golob, poet, writer and translator. The event will be presented by Erika Martínez and will be translated by Mojca Medvedšek. This event is possible thanks to the collaboration with the Centro Federico García Lorca and the Asociación del Diente de Oro.

Poetry reading by Anja Golob
Presentation and conversation with Erika Martínez | Translated by Mojca Medvedšek
Friday, May 20, at 7 pm | Centro Federico García Lorca

Anja Golob

Anja Golob (Slovenia, 1976) is poet, writer and translator. She studied Philosophy and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana (Slovenia). has so far published four books of poetry in Slovene, one in German in collaboration with Nikolai Vogel, a reprint of the first three volumes in one book, and three translations (2 in German, 1 in Croatian), selections of poems and other texts in numerous magazines, and about 750 theatre critiques. Her 2nd and 3rd book were both awarded the Jenko Poetry Prize for best Slovene collection in past two years (2014 & 2016), her fourth book received the prize called Kritiško sito (2020) for best Slovene book of 2019 by the Slovene Literary Critics Association. Since January 2020 she appears regularly as a columnist in Studio City, a weekly show on national TV. She works as poet, writer and translator. In 2013 she co-founded a small publishing house VigeVageKnjige, where she’s now the editor-in-chief. It specialises in publishing Slovene translations of graphic novels for both children and adults. In March 2018 Anja Golob travelled to Granada to participate in the World Poetry Day readings, invited by Granada Unesco City of Literature and Ljubljana Unesco City of Literature.

Erika Martínez

Erika Martínez (b. 1979) is a poet and lecturer in Latin American Literature at the University of Granada. Her first collection of poems, Color carne (Pre-Textos, 2009), won the Premio de Poesía Joven Radio Nacional de España. Her second collection of poems, El falso techo (Pre-Textos, 2013), was a finalist for the Critics’ Prize and has been translated into Italian for Ensamble Edizioni (Rome, 2018). Her latest books are Chocar con algo (Pre-Textos, 2017) and La bestia ideal (Pre-Textos, 2022). Her poems have been included, among others, in the anthologies Centros de gravedad. Poesía española en el siglo XXI (Pre-Textos, 2018) and El canon abierto. As an aphorist, she is the author of Lenguaraz (Pre-Textos, 2011) and has been included in anthologies such as Pensar por lo breve (Trea, 2013), Bajo el signo de Atenea (Renacimiento, 2017) and Fuegos de palabras (Vandalia, 2018).

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