About “Andersen, the Ugly Duckling”. Lecture by Remedios Zafra

Etcétera Company, in co-production with the Centro Federico García Lorca, will launch its new play Andersen, The Ugly Duckling, in December 2022. Around it, Etcétera will also present a space for meeting and thought that goes beyond the scenic event, where a parallel cycle of literary and audiovisual activities will be presented, in collaboration with Granada Ciudad de Literatura Unesco, La Madraza-Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de la UGR, and the Asociación Entrelibros.

“Telling (from the bodies) the Fantasy Frameworks”, lecture by Remedios Zafra | Tuesday, 13 December, 8 pm, at La Madraza, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de la Universidad de Granada | Free entrance until full capacity.

Remedios Zafra: “Telling (from the Bodies) the Fantasy Frameworks”

Remedios Zafra. Photograph by El Día de Córdoba.

Remedios Zafra is a Spanish writer and essayist. She is a professor of University and researcher at the Instituto de Filosofía del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. She focuses her reflective and investigative work on the critical study of contemporary culture, feminism, transformation of creative work, and politics of identity in social media. She won in 2017 the Anagrama Essay Prize for El entusiasmo. His latest book, El bucle invisible (2022), has just won the Jovellanos International Essay Prize.

Her lecture will tackle, among other topics, the healing power of books, art, creation, the fragility of bodies, and non-normative bodies.

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