Jairo García Jaramillo at “Sábado en armas”
Javier Egea wrote that poetry is a “pequeño pueblo en armas contra la soledad”. From the Asociación Cultural del Diente de Oro, we want to contribute to raise that small town and with that motivation we start a new cycle of poetic meetings with the collaboration of Granada City of Literature UNESCO. “Sábado en armas” aims to create a space where once a month on Saturday is poetry, a joyful occasion for dialogue and community that resists violence and disaffection of our world.
Asociación del Diente de Oro
The cycle of poetry readings “Sábado en armas” is going on at the Centro Federico García Lorca on April 15, 2023, at 12 noon. The new event will consist of a reading of poems by Jairo García Jaramillo, who will read poems from his book A través de la noche (2023). Presented by Carlos Allende. Organized by: Asociación del Diente de Oro and Granada UNESCO City of Literature Office. Collaborator: Centro Federico García Lorca.
Jairo García Jaramillo
Jairo García Jaramillo (Granada, 1982) is a writer, professor and literary researcher. He studied Philology at the University of Granada. He is currently finishing his Degree in Philosophy at UNED. His first works were dedicated to the work of the poets Javier Egea and Pablo del Águila. In 2011 he won the XIII Miguel de Unamuno Bilbao International Essay Award for his work La mitad ignorada. En torno a las mujeres intelectuales de la Segunda República (2013). From this investigation arose his collaboration as documentalist and content advisor in Las Sinsombrero, a project aimed at making visible the Spanish women writers and artists of the first third of the 20th century. His first collection of poems is A través de la noche (2023).
Carlos Allende
Carlos Allende (Granada) is a narrator and poet. He graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Granada. It has been anthologized in Pero yo vuelo (2016) together with the youngest Granada poetry, in Granada no se calla (2018) against gender violence and in the anthology of young Andalusian poetry Algo has moved (2018). He has published the collection of poems La raíz del grito (2017). He rans currently the Asociación del Diente de Oro.