Poetry for Thinking About the Present Time. Poetry Reading by Carlos Pardo, Erika Martínez and Jesús Montiel

The poetry reading “Poetry for Thinking About the Present Time”, by Carlos Pardo, Erika Martínez and Jesús Montiel, will be hold at Centro Federico García Lorca, on Wednesday, October 19. Free admission until full capacity.

The event is part of the programme of the international congress “Giorgio Agamben: la urgencia del pensamiento”, taking place in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Granada between October 17-21, 2022. This congress, supported by Biopol Research Project of the Department of Linguistics and Theory of Literature, and directed by the professor and poet Azucena González Blanco, is offering a space for critical reflection on our contemporaneity where philosophy is found together with literary theory, ontology, aesthetics, biopolitics and law.

With the aim of enhancing the philosophical potential of literature, on October 19 three outstanding contemporary poets, Carlos Pardo, Erika Martínez and Jesús Montiel, are meeting at the Centro Federico García Lorca. They will offer diverse sights at the challenge of thinking about our present time. The event is organized by the congress “Giorgio Agamben: la urgencia del pensamiento”, the Asociación del Diente de Oro and Granada UNESCO City of Literature, with the collaboration of the Centro Federico García Lorca.

Carlos Pardo

Carlos Pardo. Photo by Lisbeth Salas

Carlos Pardo (Madrid, 1975), writer, literary critic and cultural manager, has published the books of poems El invernadero (1995), Desvelo sin paisaje (2002), Echara Ruin (2007), and Los allanadores (2015), for which he received the awards Hiperión, Emilio Prados, Generación del 27 and Ojo Crítico de Poesía, respectively. He is also the author of the novels Vida de Pablo (2011) and El viaje a pie de Johann Sebastian (2014). Lejos de Kakania (2019) obtained the Leonardo Scholarship of the BBVA and that was selected by the newspapers El País and ABC as one of the best novels of the year. His complete poetry was published in Uruguay under the title Hacer pie. Poemas reunited 1993-2010 (2011) and in Mexico appeared an anthology of his poems, El animal ha llegado a una edad (2015). From 2004 to 2011 he promoted and co-directed the International Festival of Cosmopoética Poetry in Córdoba, winning the National Prize for the Promotion of Reading 2009.

Erika Martínez

Erika Martínez. Photo by Lucía Martínez

Erika Martínez (1979) holds a PhD in Hispanic Philology and a degree in Literature Theory. She has published five books in Pre-Textos publising house. Color carne (2009) won the I Premio de Poesía Joven Radio Nacional de España. El falso techo (2013) was translated into Italian. Chocar con algo (2017) has been translated into German. In addition, she has been included in several anthologies, among which Centros de gravedad. Poesía española en el siglo XXI (2018) or El canon abierto. Última poesía en español (2015). As an aphorist, she has published Lenguaraz (2011) and has been included in Pensar por lo breve (2013), Bajo el signo de Atenea (2017), and Fuegos de palabras (2018). She is currently a professor of Latin American literature at the University of Granada. Her last poetry book published is La bestia ideal (2022).

Jesús Montiel

Jesús Montiel

Jesús Montiel (Granada, 1984) is the author of several poems that have earned him different recognitions, among which are Memoria del pájaro (Hiperión Prize, 2016) or Un palacio suficiente (2022). He translated Resucitar and Prisionero en la cuna by Christian Bobin. He has also published a book of aphorisms, Silencio casi (2020), and several of narrative: Notas a pie de instante (2018), Sucede la flor (2018), El amén de los árboles (2019), Señor de las periferias (2019), Casa de tinta (2019), Lo que no ve (2020), and La última rosa (2021). He has just published Canción de cuna (2022).

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