Granada UNESCO City of Literature Prizes for Young Writers

The Arts Department of the Granada City Council (through the Granada UNESCO City of Literature Office) and the Education Department of the Granada City Council is launching the Granada UNESCO City of Literature Prizes for Young Writers, aimed at 3rd and 4th year ESO students and the two High School courses. This Prize is created with the objectives, among others, of promoting literary creation among young people and adolescents in Granada; help create a stable future fabric of people who are fond of literature; consolidate Granada’s position as the cultural capital of Southern Europe; generate contact between our authors and the young people of the city, bring these young people closer to the figure of Federico García Lorca and the Centro Federico García Lorca as a cultural space.

Originality of the Prize

The Prize will be on a yearly basis and will recognize 30 winners: the 15 best prose fiction stories of each modality. We invite the students of secondary education in Granada to participate by sending their original prose fiction stories to the address indicated in the Prize Conditions. The 15 best stories of each modality will win an exclusive writing workshop at the Centro Federico García Lorca, on May, 6, 2023, held by Cristina Gálvez and Alejandro Pedregosa, and an exclusive master class by an acclaimed national author, not yet decided, in addition to the publication of the stories in a book next year.

Prize Conditions

1 Students from the last two years of ESO and the two High School courses who are enrolled in educational centers supported with public funds in the city of Granada may participate.

2 Participants must compete by sending a prose fiction story, with freedom of subject and approach, original, unpublished and not awarded in any other contest in advance. 

3 The stories will have a minimum of 500 words (one page and a half) and a maximum of 2000 words (about five pages). They must be submitted in a word file, written in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, and 1.5 spacing. 

4 The first page of the word file must be a blank page with only this information: Title of the story / Full name of the author / Educational center in the city of Granada where you are studying / Specify which ESO or High School course you are studying / Telephone / Email address.

5 The word file must be sent by email to the following address: 

6 The subject of the email must state ““Para los Premios Granada Ciudad de Literatura Unesco”. Inside the email, in addition to attaching the word file with the story, the full name of the author, the title of the story, the educational center where he/she studies, in which ESO or Hifh School course he/she studies, a phone number and an email address.

7 The deadline for the delivery of the stories is March, 27, 2023.

8 A jury made up of writers of recognized prestige will choose the 15 winning stories of each modality (ESO and High School) throughout the month of April 2023.

9 15 PRIZES will be awarded to the 15 best stories that the jury decides for each Modality, that is, there will be 15 ESO Modality winners and 15 High School Modality winners.

10 The PRIZE will consist of an exclusive literary workshops, lasting 3 hours, to be held on the morning of Saturday, May, 6, 2023 at the Centro Federico García Lorca, one for the 15 ESO Modality winners and another for the 15 High School Modality winners, to be carried out simultaneously, starting at 10 am. At the end of the workshops, an acclaimed national author, not yet decided, will give an exclusive master class at 1 pm for the 30 winners. The 30 award-winning stories will be published as a book the following year, along with the 30 winners of the 2024 edition of the Prizes.

11 The presentation to the prize implies the total acceptance of these Prize Conditions.

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