Call for application for 4th IASA Ascensores Short-Short Story Contest

One more year the Granada City Council, through the Granada UNESCO City of Literature Office of its Arts Department, collaborates in the dissemination of a cultural initiative generated by the private Granada company.
4th IASA Ascensores Short-Short Story Contest
Ingeniería de Ascensores y Automatismos, IASA S.L. announces the 4th IASA Ascensores Short-Short Story Contest, endowed with 3000 euros, for writers resident in Spain. The call deadline will be 15 August 2022. The ruling will be made in Granada the second half of September 2022 and the jury will be chaired by Luis Mateo Díez and will be accompanied by Cristina Fernández Cubas, Ioana Gruia and Eloy Tizón.
Access here the bases and all the information.