Workshop “Writing for the Stage”, by Sara Molina

On Thursday, April 11 at 6.30 pm, in the Mariana Pineda Hall of the Palacio de la Madraza, will take place the free dramaturgy micro-workshop “Writing for the stage” given by Sara Molina. Maximum 15 places.

Those interested can register at:

This workshop is part of the set of collaborations that since 2017 maintain Granada City of Literature Unesco and the Vice-Rectorate of University Extension of the UGR, through La Madraza-Center of Contemporary Culture of the UGR and the Chair Federico García Lorca.

“Writing for the stage”
The mouth, the body, workshops of the word.
Writing for a text to be said, spoken. Monologued or dialogued.
Writing from fragments, occurrences, vague ideas, fleeting perceptions.
Is there a method for scenic creation based on free association? Can we Listen to a text and read in a body? Read in speech?
Collage and puzzle. Enunciation and prosody.

Sara Molina Doblas (Jaén 1958). Her work as an actress, author and theater director, with a trajectory of more than thirty years, has been marked by the new scenic languages, and the inter and multidisciplinary investigation without renouncing to the traces of excellence. In his beginnings he trained and worked with Joglars. Cía de Albert Boadella and in the Cía de Zubics-Panadero, actors and dancers of the Cía de Pina Bausch. Highlight his stage writing with his company Q.TEATRO founded in 1995 with titles such as Capicorp: Vacío y maravillosoTres disparos. Two lionsMade in China, SA.LO.MÉ. or Monadas sin ventanas aún estamos bien gracias, works that exemplify his interest in intertextuality and scenic experimentation.

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