Workshop “The author’s column as an example of journalistic-literary fusion”, by Eduardo Castro

On Thursday, March 14 at 6.30 p.m., in the Mariana Pineda Hall of the Madraza Palace, there will be a free micro-workshop on journalism and literature “The author’s column as an example of journalistic-literary fusion” given by Eduardo Castro. Maximum 15 places.
Those interested can register at:
This workshop is part of the set of collaborations that since 2017 maintain Granada City of Literature Unesco and the Vice-Rectorate of University Extension of the UGR, through La Madraza-Center of Contemporary Culture of the UGR and the Chair Federico García Lorca.
The Workshop
In “The author’s column as an example of journalistic-literary fusion” we propose to overcome the existing barriers between journalism and literature by focusing on the “author’s column” as the journalistic genre that best combines both disciplines, to the point of having sometimes become the ideal model of literary creativity for some of our best writers.
Through diverse and emblematic examples, we will analyze the false contention between literature and journalism, traditionally due to the prestige of one or the other activity, which, in spite of their common elements, maintain differential techniques.
Eduardo Castro

Eduardo Castro Maldonado (Torrenueva, 1948) is a journalist, writer and member of the Academia de Buenas Letras de Granada, where he is currently on the list of Supernumerary Academicians. As a journalist, he has worked and collaborated in numerous media, including the magazine Cuadernos para el Diálogo, the newspapers El País, Diario de Granada and Ideal, the Spanish section of the BBC and TVE. In October 2005 he was elected by the Andalusian Parliament as a member of the Andalusian Audiovisual Council, where he chaired the Pluralism Commission until last July, when the regulatory body was renewed. As a writer, he is the author of some twenty books of poetry, short stories, novels, essays and journalistic articles, having been included in anthologies of various genres and styles. He has won, among others, the Ángel Ganivet literary awards for narrative, and the José María Bugella, Ciudad de Almuñécar and Luis Seco de Lucena journalism prizes for his professional career.