“Masters of the Contemporary Spanish Short Story”. Carlos Castán and Javier Sáez de Ibarra. International Poetry Festival of Granada

Between April 15 and 19, 2024, the International Poetry Festival of Granada will take place, a literary event in which the program Granada City of Literature Unesco collaborates one more year with its own space within the program.
Under the title “Masters of the Contemporary Spanish Short Story” a colloquium will be held with the presence of Carlos Castán and Javier Sáez de Ibarra. Presented by Jesús Ortega, coordinator of the Granada Unesco City of Literature Program.
Our appointment will be on April 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Federico García Lorca Center.
Free admission until full capacity is reached.
Invitations to attend this event are available on the Festival’s website www.fipgranada.com
Carlos Castán

Carlos Castán Andolz, although of High Aragonese origin, was born in Barcelona in 1960. He holds a degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the city where he has spent most of his life and where he has worked as a philosophy teacher in public education until his retirement in September 2020. He is currently on the faculty of the Master’s Degree in Narrative at the Escuela de Escritores de Madrid. He is the author of the books of short stories Frío de vivir (Salamandra, 1997), Museo de la soledad (Espasa, 2000/ Círculo de Lectores, 2001/ Tropo, 2007)) and Sólo de lo perdido (Destino, 2008, NH Vargas Llosa Award for the best book of short stories of the year), as well as the volume of articles Papeles dispersos (Tropo, 2009), the nouvelle Polvo en el neón (Tropo, 2012) and the novel La mala luz (Destino, 2013 / Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2020). His complete short story work has been recently collected in the volume entitled Cuentos (Páginas de Espuma, 2020). Much of his work has been translated and published in Germany, France, Italy and Anglo-Saxon countries.
Javier Sáez de Ibarra

Javier Sáez de Ibarra (Vitoria, 1961) is the author of the books of short stories El lector de Spinoza (2004), Propuesta imposible (2008), Mirar al agua. Cuentos plásticos (2009), which won the I International Ribera del Duero Award, Bulevar (2013), distinguished with the XI Setenil Award for the best book of short stories published in Spain, Fantasía lumpen (2017) and Un réquiem europeo (2024); as well as the poetry collection Motivos (2006) and the novel Vida económica de Tomi Sánchez (2020). Several of his short stories have been included in important anthologies. He has edited a selection of stories by Hipólito Navarro, El pez volador (2008). He publishes literary criticism and miscellaneous texts in magazines such as Cuadernos hispanoamericanos, Quimera, Revista Penúltima, Ínsula or Zenda and coordinates the magazine Oxi-nobstante.blogspot.com.