Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel in the “Future, Humanities” cycle of lectures

The Granada UNESCO City of Literature programme and the Aula de Literatura of the University of Granada are organising a new series of lectures-colloquiums. It is entitled “Future, humanities” and aims to propose different perspectives on the meaning, role and value of the humanities in the current context of the emergence of a new global society of image and technology.

In this way, we are echoing the intense debate on this issue that has been taking place in recent years in cultural and academic circles. The aim is to present in Granada a set of diverse, plural views, in the form of an open and critical conversation. We are thinking of university audiences, but also of general audiences. We will explore the possibilities of offering activities in the morning, a time slot that until now has hardly been explored for the general public and that La Madraza – Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de la UGR wants to attend to.

The lectures will take place in person, at 12:00 noon, in the Sala de Caballeros XXIV of La Madraza, and will be broadcast live on La Madraza’s YouTube channel. They will take place once a month, between November 2021 and May 2022. The participants are leading intellectuals, philosophers and writers with a career of enormous prestige: Guillermo Busutil, Marina Garcés, Carlos García Gual, Juan Antonio González Iglesias, Aurora Luque and Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel.

Do you want to ask?

Invitamos al público a que plantee preguntas a los ponentes del ciclo. Dichas preguntas pueden enviarse con antelación por correo electrónico a o a través del chat del canal YouTube de La Madraza, en la Sala abierta para cada conferencia-coloquio del ciclo. Habrá al final de las conferencias un espacio de tiempo reservado para contestar las preguntas que las personas interesadas nos envíen.

“Humanities and Transhumanisation”, by Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel

On Friday 5 November, at 12:00, the cycle will begin with a conference-colloquium by Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel, Professor at the University of Seville and Director of the RTVE-US Chair in Cultural Content and Creativity, entitled “Humanities and transhumanisation”. Presented by Jesús Ortega. The event can be followed on La Madraza’s YouTube channel,, where you can ask questions to Professor Vázquez Medel in the chat, as well as by e-mail at:

Firme defensor de las humanidades y de la necesidad de su adaptación y renovada vigencia en el tercer entorno digital, Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel ofrecerá una reflexión a la vez crítica y creativa que intenta superar los planteamientos «apocalípticos» o «integrados». Más allá de ideologías «transhumanistas» acríticas, pero también de resistencias a una dinámica de transformación de lo humano que parece imparable, es preciso realizar un buen diagnóstico de las posibilidades y peligros de la convergencia tecnológica y biológica, en el que puede ser un salto cualitativo de la humanidad para el que debemos estar preparados.

Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel

(Huelva, 1956). He is Professor of Literature and Communication at the University of Seville, where he currently directs the RTVE-University of Seville Chair in Cultural Content and Creativity, as well as the Research Group in Communication Theory and Technology. He is a promoter of the Theory of Emplacement/Displacement (TE/D), based on the vocation for the unity of knowledge and critical and complex thought, with the aim of understanding human reality, both individual and social, at this crucial moment of transhumanisation, for which he received the 1st Intercampus Award for Research on the Fundación Telefónica Network. He is a corresponding member of the Academia de Buenas Letras de Granada, has participated in the creation of the Spanish and Andalusian Semiotics Associations, of which he has been president (and currently Honorary President), has been the first president of the Audiovisual Council of Andalusia and has received important awards for his contributions to the new humanism and ethics of communication, Among them, the Gold Medal of the Press Association of Malaga, the Medal of the University of Huelva, Honorary Member of the Comunicar Group and the highest distinctions of the Juan Ramón Jiménez and Francisco Ayala Foundations. He was godfather at the investitures of Francisco Ayala and Umberto Eco as Doctors Honoris Causa in Communication by the University of Seville and author of the Laudatio of Emilio Lledó on the occasion of his recognition with the Erasmus of Rotterdam Award. From his double philological and communicational perspective, he has published some thirty books (individually or as editor) and more than one hundred articles in specialised publications.

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