G R Á C I L Granada is a City of Literature. Fall 2018
Laura Freixas and Lola López Mondéjar will talk about literature, gender and feminism on Friday, September 21, at 20:00 h, in the Sala Caballeros XXIV of La Madraza. Presented by: Ioana Gruia.
Organized by Granada UNESCO City of Literature and by the University of Granada’s Aula de Literatura.

Laura Freixas
Laura Freixas (Barcelona, 1958) graduated with her law degree in 1980 but has always dedicated herself to writing. She first became known in 1988 with a collection of stories, El asesino en la muñeca (The Murderer in the Doll) a genre that she would return to years later as editor (Madres e hijas, 1996) and author (Cuentos a los cuarenta, 2001). In 1997 she published her first novel, Último domingo en Londres (The Last Sunday in London), which would be followed by Entre amigas (Between Friends) (1998), Amor o lo que sea (Love or Whatever It is) (2005), Adolescencia en Barcelona hacia 1970 (Adolescence in Barcelona up to 1970)(2007) and Los otros son más felices (Everyone Else is Happier) (2011). In 2000 she published the influential essay Literatura y mujeres: escritoras, público y crítica en la España actual (Literature and Women: Writers, Audiences and Critics in Spain Today). She has also published a biography of the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector under the title Ladrona de rosas (The Rose Thief) (2010). Her last published books are Una vida subterranea. Diario 1991-1994 (A Life Underground. Diary 1991-1994)(2013), and Todos llevan mascara. Diario 1995-1996 (Everyone Wears a Mask. Diary 1995-1996) (2018).
She has been a professor, lecturer and guest writer in numerous Spanish and foreign universities, especially in the United States. She’s a member of the European Cultural Parliament, and chairs the Classical and Modern Association for Gender Equality in Culture. She has translated, among other authors, Virginia Woolf and André Gide. She has been a literary critic for the newspaper El País and is currently a columnist in La Vanguardia.
Lola López Mondéjar
Lola López Mondéjar (Murcia, 1958) is a psychoanalyst and writer. She published the essays El factor Munchausen (The Munchausen Factor), Psicoanálisis y creatividad (Psychoanalysis and Creativity) (2009), Una espina en la carne (A thorn in the Flesh) (2015) and Literatura y psicoanálisis (Literature and Psychoanalysis), Si digo agua, ¿beberé? (If I say water, will I drink?) (2018). As a narrative writer she is the author of the novels Una casa en La Habana (A House in Havana) (1997), Yo nací con la bossa nova (I was born with the bossa nova) (2000), No quedará la noche (The Night Will Not Remain) (2003), Lenguas vivas (Living Languages) (2008), Mi amor misfortunado (My Unfortunate Love) (published in 2009 and finalist in the 2010 XXI Gonzalo Torrente Ballester Prize for Narrative Writing), La primera vez que no te quiero (The first time that I Don’t Love You) (2012) and Cada noche, cada noche (Every night, Every night) (2016), as well as the storybooks El pensamiento mudo de los peces (The Silent Thoughts of Fish) (2008), Lazos de sangre (Stronger than Water) (2012) and Qué mundo tan maravilloso (What a Wonderful World) (2018), all in the Editorial Pages of Espuma.
Ioana Gruia
Ioana Gruia (Bucharest, 1978) is a professor of comparative literature at the University of Granada, as well as a poet and novelist. She has published, among others, los ensayos Eliot y la escritura del tiempo en la poesía española (The Eliot Essays and the Writing of Time in Spanish Poetry) (2009), La obra de Norman Manea: crítica e interpretación (The Work of Norman Manea: Critique and Interpretation) (2016) and La cicatriz en la literatura europea contemporánea (The Scar Upon Contemporary European Literature) (2016). As a poet, she has published the books Otoño sin cuerpo(Autumn without Substance) (2002, finalist for the UGR García Lorca Award), El sol en la fruta (The Sun in the Fruit) (2011, Andalusian Youth Prize for Poetry) and Carrusel (Carousel) (2016, Emilio Alarcos award). As a novelist, she has published La vendedora de tiempo (The Seller of Time) (2013) and El expediente Albertina (Albertina the Expedient) (2016, Tiflos prize).