Lola López Mondéjar at “Future, Humanities” cycle

The Granada UNESCO City of Literature Office and the Aula de Literatura of the University of Granada are organising a new series of colloquium lecture. It is entitled “Future, humanities” and aims to propose different perspectives on the meaning, role and value of the humanities in the current context of the emergence of a new global society of image and technology.

The lectures will be held in person at la Madraza-Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de la Universidad de Granada. They will take place once a month, between November 2021 and May 2022. The participants are leading intellectuals, philosophers and writers with a career of enormous prestige: Sami Naïr, Carlos García Gual, Marta Segarra, José Antonio Pérez Tapias, Lola López Mondéjar, Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel, Guillermo Busutil, Aurora Luque y Juan Antonio González Iglesias.

Do you want to ask?

The public is invited to ask some questions to the speakers participating in the cycle. These questions can be sent in advance by email to or through the chat on the Madraza’s YouTube channel, in the open room for each colloquium lecture. At the end of the lecture there will be a time slot reserved for answering questions sent us by the public.

«Less Human? Anthropological Mutations in Late Modernity», by Lola López Mondéjar

On Friday, March 20, at 7 pm, in Salón de Caballeros XXIV of la Madraza-Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de la Universidad de Granada, will take place the lecture “Less Human? Anthropological Mutations in Late Modernity”, by writer and psychoanalyst Lola López Mondéjar. The event will be presented by Jesús Ortega and Pilar Núñez, representatives of the involved institutions.

Lola López Mondéjar

Lola López Mondéjar. Photo: Isabel Wageman.

Lola López Mondéjar (Molina de Segura, 1958) is a psychoanalyst and writer. She has published the essays El factor Munchausen. Psicoanálisis y creatividad (2009), Una espina en la carne. Psicoanálisis y creatividad (2015), and Psicoanálisis y literatura. Si digo agua, ¿beberé? (2018), the novels, among others, Mi amor desgraciado (2010), La primera vez que te no quiero (2013), and Cada noche, cada noche (2016), and the story books El pensamiento mudo de los peces (2008), Lazos de sangre (2012), and Qué mundo tan maravilloso (2018). His last published essay is Invulnerables e invertebrados. Mutaciones antropológicas del sujeto contemporáneo (2022).

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