Aurora Luque at “Future, Humanities” cycle

The Granada UNESCO City of Literature Programme and the Aula de Literatura of the University of Granada are organising a new series of colloquium lecture. It is entitled “Future, humanities” and aims to propose different perspectives on the meaning, role and value of the humanities in the current context of the emergence of a new global society of image and technology.
The lectures will be held in person, at 12 pm, in the Sala de Caballeros XXIV of the Madraza, and will be broadcast live on the Madraza’s YouTube channel. They will take place once a month, between November 2021 and May 2022. The participants are leading intellectuals, philosophers and writers with a career of enormous prestige: Guillermo Busutil, Marina Garcés, Carlos García Gual, Juan Antonio González Iglesias, Aurora Luque and Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel.
Do you want to ask?
The public is invited to ask some questions to the speakers participating in the cycle. These questions can be sent in advance by email to or through the chat on the Madraza’s YouTube channel, in the open room for each colloquium lecture. At the end of the lecture there will be a time slot reserved for answering questions sent us by the public.
«Thinking of Humanities: Two Enemies of Today and a Friend from Athens», by Aurora Luque
On Friday, January 28th, at 12 pm, will take place this colloquium lecture of Aurora Luque, poet, teacher, and translator, entitled “Thinking of Humanities: Two Enemies of Today and a Friend from Athens”. Presented by Jesús Ortega. The event can be followed on the Madraza’s YouTube channel,, where you can ask questions to the speaker on the chat, as well as by email:
Aurora Luque

Aurora Luque (Almería, 1962) is above all a poet, and translator. She studied Classical Philology in Granada and lives in Málaga, where she has worked as a Greek teacher, writer, editor and cultural manager (director of the Generación del 27 Centre, from 2008 to 2011). Her books of poetry include Gavieras (Loewe Prize, 2019); Personal & político (2015); La siesta de Epicuro (Generación del 27 Prize, 2008); Camaradas de Ícaro (2003); Transitoria (Andalucía de la Crítica Prize, 1998); Carpe noctem (1994); Problemas de doblaje (Adonais Prize, 1990); Hiperiónida (Federico García Lorca of the UGR Prize, 1982). The following has been translated into other languages Haikus de Narila. Portuaria (into English, 2017); Los limones absortos. Poemas mediterráneos (into Italian, 2016), Cuaderno de Flanders (into French, 2015) and Camaradas de Ícaro (into Greek, 2015). She has translated Sappho, Poemas y testimonios (reissue in 2020); ancient poets in Grecorromanas (2020); If not, Winter, by Anne Carson (2019); Aquel vivir del mar. El mar en la poesía griega (2015); or Los dados de Eros. Poesía erótica griega (2000). She has edited the playwright M. Rosa de Gálvez, the Cuban poet Mercedes Matamoros and the poet J. M. Caballero Bonald. In 2021 she published Un número finito de veranos and the 2nd edition of the anthology of love poetry Carpe amorem.