Ángeles Mora in conversation with Miguel Ángel García
Ángeles Mora, who won the Spanish Poetry Prize and Critics’ Prize in for her poetry collection Ficciones para una autobiografía (Bartleby), was born in Rute (Córdoba province) but has lived in Granada since 1980, where she obtained a degree in Hispanic philology.
She published her first poetry collection, Pensando que el camino iba derecho, in 1982, followed by La canción del olvido in 1985 and La guerra de los treinta años in 1989, winning the Rafael Alberti Poetry Prize for the latter. In 2000 she published Caligrafía de ayer, in 2001 Contradicciones, pájaros (City of Melillia Prize and translated into Italian as Contraddizioni, uccelli, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2005), and in 2008 Bajo la alfombra (Visor). There are also two anthologies of her work: Antología poética (1982–1995), edited by Luis Muñoz, 1995, and ¿Las mujeres son mágicas?, with a prologue by Miguel Ángel García, 2006. Also in 2005: Antología poéticafor Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Miguel Ángel García is a lecturer on Spanish literature at the University of Granada. His books include: Vicente Aleixandre, la poesía y la historia (Granada, Comares, 2001); El Veintisiete en vanguardia: Hacia una lectura histórica de las poéticas moderna y contemporánea, (Valencia, Pre-Textos, 2001), a study for which he won the first International Gerardo Diego Award for Research in Literature; La poética de lo invisible en Juan Ramón Jiménez (Granada, Granada Provincial Council, 2002; Un aire oneroso: Ideologías literarias de la modernidad en España (Siglos XIX-XX) (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2010); and La literatura y sus demonios: Leer la poesía social (Madrid, Castalia, 2012).