Tribute Days to Darío Jaramillo

Thought Granada UNESCO City of Literature programme, the City Council’s Arts Department organizes the Tribute Days to Darío Jaramillo, winner of the 15th City of Granada–Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize. The Tribute will take place on 23h and 24th April 2019 in the Centro Federico García Lorca. The award ceremony will held on 25th April.
These days aim to offer to the citizens a short and stimulating journey through the life and work of the Colombian poet Darío Jaramillo, one of the greatest figures of the hispanic poetry, with the objective of promoting his oeuvre for all kinds of audience.
For this reason, the chosen format is a conversation. Darío Jaramillo will talk to prominent artists, writers, cultural managers specialist in his work and with whom he maintains a relationship of friendship. Each conversation will explore different aspects of his rich and multi-faceted literary work: the poetry, the narrative and the folk song. Besides, we will continue with the cycle of conversations about the not very known aspects such as the private life of the City of Granada–Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize winner, that we started in 2018 with “Intimate Gimferrer” and we continue in 2019 with “Intimate Jaramillo” where Manuel Borrás, director of the Pre-Textos editorial and the cultural journalist María Luisa Blanco, will talk with the poet in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Tribute Days to Darío Jarmillo, Winner of 15th City of Granada–Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize. Granada, April 2019. PROGRAMME
7.00pm / Lecture of poems of Darío Jaramillo: RAFAEL ESPEJO
8.00pm / Poetry and music / DARÍO JARAMILLO in conversation with SANTIAGO AUSERÓN
Centro Federico García Lorca / Free admission subject to availability
6.30pm / The narrative work of Darío Jaramillo. DARÍO JARAMILLO in conversation with MARIANO PEYROU
7.30pm / The poetry of Darío Jaramillo. DARÍO JARAMILLO in conversation with ABRAHAM GRAGERA
8.30pm / Intimate Jaramillo. DARÍO JARAMILLO in conversation with MARÍA LUISA BLANCO and MANUEL BORRÁS
Centro Federico García Lorca / Free admission subject to availability
9.00pm / The award ceremony of the 15th City of Granada–Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize to Darío Jaramillo
Centro Federico García Lorca / Admission with invitation
Darío Jaramillo
Darío Jaramillo Agudelo (Santa Rosa de Osos, Antioquia, Colombia, 1947), member of the so-called Disillusioned Generation, is considered one of the greatest Colombian poets of the 20th century and innovator of love poetry in Spanish. Graduated as a lawyer and economist from the Pontifical Xavierian University, he held various important cultural positions in state agencies and was member of the editorial board of the Golpe de Dados magazine. Three reprints have been made of his collection: 77 poemas (National University of Colombia, 1987), 127 poems (University of Antioquia, 2000) and Libro de poemas (Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2003); as well as various anthologies like: Aunque es de noche (Pre-Textos, 2000), Del amor, del olvido (Pre-Textos, 2009), Basta cerrar los ojos (Era, 2015) and Poesía selecta (Lumen, 2018). He is also author of aphorisms Diccionadario (Pre-Textos, 2014); essay and autobiographical narrative, Historia de una pasión (Pre-Textos, 2006) or Poesía en la canción popular latinoamericana (Pre-Textos, 2008); and novel, La muerte de Alec (1983, Pre-Textos, 2013), Cartas cruzadas (1993) or Novela con fantasma (Pre-Textos, 2004). On 14 November 2018, he received, in the 15th edition, the City of Granada–Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize.
Santiago Auserón
Santigao Auserón (Zaragoza, 1954) studied philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid (1972-1977) and at the University of Paris VIII (1977-1978), under the direction of Gilles Delouse. In 2015 he defended his thesis Música en los fundamentos del lógos, obtaining his doctorate in Philosophy at Complutense University of Madrid. He was signer and composer of the musical group Radio Futura (1980-1992), recognized by divers radio stations and specialist magazines las the best Spanish group of the 80’s. From 1977, Santiago Auserón has been publishing articles about music, art and thinking in specialist newspapers and magazines, as well as giving lectures about pop music and philosophy in varios Spanish universities. He has published, among other things, La imagen sonora. Notas para una lectura filosófica de la nueva música popular (Episteme, 1998), Canciones de Radio Futura (Pre-Textos, 1999), Canciones de Juan Perro (Salto de Página, 2012, with prologue of Jenaro Talens) and El ritmo perdido. Sobre el influjo negro en la canción española (Península, 2012, Cálamo prize).
Rafael Espejo
Rafael Espejo (Palma del Río, Córdoba, 1975) is author of poetry collections Círculo vicioso (1995, Federico García Lorca prize of the University of Granada), El vino de los amantes (2001, Hiperión prize), Nos han dejado solos (Pre-Textos, 2009, Emilio Prados prize) and Hierba en los tejados (Pre-Textos, 2015, Ojo Crítico de RNE prize). Recently, Mafriguera (Pre-Textos, 2018) a personal selection of his work has appeared. He has prepared the editions of Páramos de sueños, from Alí Chumacero (Pre-Textos, 2009), and La buena compañía, from Luis García Montero (Renacimiento, 2016). He recently has been included in various anthologies of the Spanish poetry such as 5 poetas españoles jóvenes (Hiperión, 2003), Deshabitados (Maillot Amarillo, 2008), La inteligencia y el hacha (Visor, 2010) or Centros de gravedad (Pre-Textos, 2018).
Mariano Peyrou
Mariano Peyrou (Buenos Aires, 1971) is saxophonist and graduated in Social Anthropology. He lives in Madrid where is works as a professor of Creative Writing, History of Jazz and Aesthetic of the Music. He is also dedicated to the translation. He has published the following poetry collections: La voluntad de equilibrio (2000), A veces transparente (Bartleby, 2004), La sal (Pre-Textos, 2005), Estudio de lo visible (Pre-Textos, 2007), Temperatura voz (Pre-Textos, 2010), Niños enamorados (Pre-Textos, 2015) and El año del cangrejo (2017). Moreover, he is author of three narrative books: the collection of short stories La tristeza de las fiestas (Pre-Textos, 2014) and the novels De los otros (Sexto Piso, 2016) and Los nombres de las cosas (Sexto Piso, 2019).
Abraham Gragera
Abraham Gragera (Madrid, 1973) is graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca. He has also studied psychology, philology and humanities. He has been included in numerous anthologies of Spanish contemporaneous poetry. He has published collection of poems Adiós a la época de los grandes caracteres (Pre-Textos, 2005), El tiempo menos solo (Pre-Textos, 2012, El Ojo Crítico de RNE prize) and O Futuro (Pre-Textos, 2017, 2017 Award of the Best Poetry Book, conceded by Madrid Booksellers Guild and the Critics Prize of Madrid 2017). He translated, individually and in collaboration, Louise Glück, W. S. Merwin, Pascal Quignard, S. J. Lec and Emily Dickinson, among other things. He directed, along with Juan Carlos Reche, the poetry magazine Años diez. Currently, he directs, along with the choreographer and dancer Luz Arcas, the company of contemporaneous dance La Phármaco.
María Luisa Blanco
María Luisa Blanco is graduated in Philosophy and Lettres from the Complutense University of Madrid and she has developed an important professional career as a cultural journalist. She has been the Deputy Director of the weekly magazine Cambio 16, director of the ABC Cultural, cultural supplement of the newspaper ABC, director of Babelia, cultural supplement of El País, director of publications of the Queen Sofía Museum, editor of the magazine Carta and director of the Festival Internacional de las Letras de Bilbao Gutun Zuria. She has published numerous reports about a major part of the best contemporary writers and is author of Conversaciones con Antonio Lobo Antunes (Siruela, 2001).
Manuel Borrás
Manuel Borrás (Valencia, 1952) is graduated in German and English philology from the University of Valencia. He conducts editorial activities from 1974, date when he founded the Editorial Pre-Textos along with other collaborating partners. Currently, he is the literary director of this Editorial. In 1997 Pre-Textos received the National Prize of the Ministry of Culture for his editorial labour. In 2008, the editorial was considerate the Editorial of the Year in the Guadalajara International Book Fair (Mexico) and in 2009 in the Lima International Book Fair (Perú). In 2010, Pre-Textos was invited to the Miami Book Fair International to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the editorial. In 2012, Manuel Borrás was a special guest of the FILUC Valencia Book Fair (Venezuela) where he received the award “Alejo Zuloaga” from the University of Carabobo. In 2014, along with Darío Jaramillo, he participated in the VIII Carnaval Internacional de las Artes de Barranquilla (Colombia). In 2016, the 40th anniversary of Pre-textos, Manuel Borrás received from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts.