Poets at the Carmen de los Mártires Gardens

The Carmen de los Mártires is a site of more than seven hectares on the Mauror hill within the Alhambra complex, publicly owned and declared a Garden of Historical Interest in 1943. It contains a nineteenth-century mansion, Romantic gardens and Nasrid orchards, with extraordinary views of the city of Granada, the river Genil flood plain below and the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

The Albaicín-Granada Public Agency, as part of the Granada Tourism Plan, in partnership with the Granada UNESCO City of Literature Programme under the auspices of Granada City Council’s Culture Department, has created a route called Poetas en el jardín de los Mártires (Poets at the Carmen de los Mártires Gardens). The idea has been to create a high-quality cultural product for tourists, enhance one of the city’s most special yet insufficiently known places, and strengthen Granada’s image as an international city of literature.

The poetry route runs through the most interesting parts of this history-soaked complex.  The poet St John of the Cross lived here between 1582 and 1588, when he was the prior of the Carmelite Convent of the Martyrs. These are the gardens where he composed the works that to this day represent the purest expression of mystical poetry. His memory lingers in the aqueduct that he had built next to the orchard and in the renowned St John’s cedar tree. The poet José Zorrilla, who wrote Don Juan Tenorio, also lived here while he was in Granada on his appointment as Spain’s poet laureate in 1889.

Today these literary gardens also house the best of contemporary poetry: the winners of the City of Granada-Federico García Lorca International Poetry Prize, which year after year acknowledges the poets who have made the most significant contribution to Hispanic literature.

Enclaves for reading and contemplation. Corners filled with peace and beauty, inviting you to sit down and read some of the finest poets writing in Spanish.

Poetas Jardin Martires Angel Gonzalez

Para que yo me llame Ángel González,
para que mi ser pese sobre el suelo,
fue necesario un ancho espacio
y un largo tiempo:
hombres de todo mar y toda tierra,
fértiles vientres de mujer, y cuerpos
y más cuerpos, fundiéndose incesantes
en otro cuerpo nuevo.
Solsticios y equinoccios alumbraron
con su cambiante luz, su vario cielo,
el viaje milenario de mi carne
trepando por los siglos y los huesos.
De su pasaje lento y doloroso
de su huida hasta el fin, sobreviviendo
naufragios, aferrándose
al último suspiro de los muertos,
yo no soy más que el resultado, el fruto,
lo que queda, podrido, entre los restos;
esto que veis aquí,
tan solo esto:
un escombro tenaz, que se resiste
a su ruina, que lucha contra el viento,
que avanza por caminos que no llevan
a ningún sitio. El éxito
de todos los fracasos. La enloquecida
fuerza del desaliento…

(De Áspero mundo, 1956)

Ángel González (1925–2008), one of the leading lights of the so-called “1950 Generation” of poets, wrote for the 1977 edition of Palabra sobre palabra, a compilation of his works published by that date: “The scene and time that correspond to my life made me a witness to countless violent events: revolution, civil war, dictatorship […]. Having thus been buffeted by fate, which wove its web without caring a jot for my own wishes, I resigned myself to studying law, a subject in which I had no interest whatsoever but which did not go against the practically compulsory customs that most young people of my age and social class subjected themselves to. […] I quickly got used to complaining in whispers, cursing to myself and speaking ambiguously, rarely and always about other things; in other words, the use of irony, metaphor, metonymy and reticence. If I ended up writing poetry it was, more than for any other reason, to make use of the modest skill that I had acquired by the mere act of living.”

Between 1970 and 1993 he taught at several universities in the United States. In 1985 he won the Prince of Asturias Literature Prize. In 1996 he was elected as a member of the Spanish Royal Academy and won the Reina Sofía Prize for Ibero-American Poetry. In 2004 he won the first edition of the City of Granada–Federico García Lorca Poetry prize.

His collections of poetry include Áspero mundo (1956), Sin esperanza, con convencimiento (1961), Grado elemental (1962), Tratado de urbanismo (1967), Prosemas o menos (1985), Otoños y otras luces (2001) and Nada grave (published posthumously in 2008).

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