Interview with Patricia Marín Cepeda

Antonia Ortega Urbano interviewed Patricia Marín Cepeda on 25 April 2016. Patricia came to Granada for a public conversation with the leading French Hispanist Jean Canavaggio, as part of our second season of Literary Conversations organised during the Book Fair.

Patricia Marín Cepeda (b. Madrid, 1981) holds a doctorate in Hispanic philology from the University of Valladolid. Over the last decade she has studied and made known a number of unpublished texts from Spain’s Siglo de Oro from the viewpoint of the history of the court, the history of literature and forensic linguistics. Her most recent publication is the monograph Cervantes y la Corte de Felipe II: Escritores en el entorno del cardenal Ascanio Colonna (1560-1608), Madrid, Polifemo, 2015. This study traces for the first time the history of Cervantes’s circle of writer friends in the context of the factions at court and in politics during the reign of Philip II. She has taught at the University of Valladolid (2007-2009), University of Cincinnati (2010-11), Università degli Studi di Roma Tre (2011-2013) and University of Jaén (2014), and did postdoctoral research in the humanities department at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. She currently teaches in the philology department at the University of Burgos.

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