“Human Ex Machina: a conversation about AI”, a conversation with Carlos A. Scolari and Ramón Salaverrría

Thursday, April 25, 7:00 pm. / Centro Federico García Lorca / “Human Ex Machina: a conversation about AI”, a conversation with Carlos A. Scolari and Ramón Salaverrría” / Moderator: Domingo Sánchez-Mesa / Streaming / Free admission until full capacity is reached / Organized by: Proyecto I+D FicTrans Transmedialización e Hibridación de Ficción y no Ficción en la Cultura Mediática Contemporánea (Universidad de Granada) and Granada Ciudad de Literatura Unesco, in collaboration with the Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación de la UGR, the Centro Federico García Lorca and the Feria del Libro de Granada.

We live in a new era of digital disruption thanks to Artificial Intelligence, which has revolutionized many fields, including journalism. The possibilities that this type of techniques open up for professions whose raw material is information are enormous and the II Workshop FicTrans University-Companies: journalism and AI (sponsored by the University of Granada) will explore them throughout the 25th and 26th of April 2024. The seminar will explore how AI is redefining the landscape of journalism, from news automation to ethics and biases in the use of these technologies. One of the actions of the program will consist of a conversation between Carlos A. Scolari and Ramón Salaverría about AI, on April 25, at 7 p.m., at the Federico García Lorca Center, forming at the same time part of the program of the Granada Book Fair.

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