Tribute days to Circe Maia, winner of the XX International Poetry Prize City of Granada-Federico García Lorca

The Granada City Council, through the Granada City of Literature Unesco program of its Department of Culture, organizes the Days of homage to Circe Maia, winner of the XX International Poetry Prize City of Granada – Federico García Lorca. The conference will be held on May 22 and 23, 2024 at the Federico García Lorca Center and Carmen de los Mártires. The award ceremony will take place on May 23rd at the Federico García Lorca Center.

The aim of the conference is to offer the public a journey through some aspects of the life and work of the Uruguayan poet Circe Maia, with the aim of disseminating her work among all kinds of audiences. In 2024, the conference will have the particularity that the poet will not be able to attend the events in person. For health reasons, Circe Maia will have to remain in Uruguay and not travel to Granada, which will force a more reduced program of events, compared to previous editions.

XX International Poetry Prize Federico García Lorca
Granada, May 2023

7:00 p.m. Round table on CIRCE MAIA
Participants: MARÍA DEL CARMEN GONZÁLEZ (“Reading Circe Maia: dialogue, daily life and poetic thought”) and JACQUELINE OLIVER (“Circe Maia: from image to science, didactic poetic symbiosis to understand reality”). Presented by: Jesús Ortega
20:00 h : Presentation of the anthology of poems by Circe Maia Aquí, en este instante, published by the City Council of Granada with edition and foreword by Gracia Morales + Reading of poems by CIRCE MAIA

Federico García Lorca Center / Free admission until full capacity is reached.

11:00 a.m. Reception at the Carmen de los Martires
Presentation of the plaque dedicated to Circe Maia within the literary walk project «Poetas en el Jardín de los Mártires»

Circe Maia was born in Montevideo in 1932. Her literary work is mainly poetic, although she has also ventured into the narrative, essayistic and theatrical genres. She also has a long career as a translator, from Greek and English. She studied Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the University of the Republic and has worked for many years as a teacher in secondary schools. In 1962 she moved with her family to Tacuarembó, in the north of Uruguay, where she has lived ever since. She has published ten books of poetry: En el tiempo (1958), Presencia diaria (1963), El puente (1970), Cambios, permanencias (1978), Dos voces (1981), Destrucciones (1986), Superficies (1990), De lo visible (1998), Breve sol (2001) and Dualidades (2014). In 2007, Rebeca Linke publishing house and the Biblioteca
National Library of Uruguay co-published his Obra poética completa. In addition, there have been three anthologies: one of them in Argentina, entitled La pesadora de perlas (edition by María Teresa Andruetto, 2013) and two in Spain, both from 2018, with the titles Transparencias. Antología poética (Diego Techeira edition) and Múltiples paseos a un lugar desconocido. Antología poética (1958-2014) (edition Jordi Doce). Circe Maia is a widely recognized author in Uruguay, where she has received important awards: the publication of her Obra poética (Poetic work) obtained the National Poetry Award of Uruguay (2007), the Bartolomé Hidalgo Lifetime Achievement Award (2010), the Delmira Agustini Medal from the Ministry of Education and Culture (2012), the Bartolomé Hidalgo Poetry Award for her book Dualidades (2015) and the Grand National Award for Intellectual Work from the Ministry of Education and Culture (2015).
Intellectual Work of the Ministry of Education and Culture (2015). Since 2008, he has been a member of the National Academy of Letters of Uruguay. In October 2023, he was awarded the XX International Poetry Prize Federico García Lorca, with a jury that highlighted his ability to turn poetry “into a method of knowledge of reality, based on daily experience, with a transparent and exact language, with a transparent and precise language.

María del Carmen González (Montevideo, 1957) holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires and a Master’s degree from the University of the Republic (Uruguay). She is a researcher (SNI, Uruguay) and editor (Rebeca Linke editoras and Revista [sic] de la APLU, Asociación de Profesores de Literatura del Uruguay). She has published two books: Felisberto Hernández, si el agua hablara. Estudio de la recepción crítica en la prensa periódica y revistas (1942-1964) (2011) and El palimpsesto intencionado, el proyecto literario de Felisberto Hernández (2022), as well as book chapters and articles on this author and others. In poetry he has published works on Ida Vitale, Cristina Peri Rossi and Circe Maia. His critical work on the author is reflected in several papers, prologues, epilogues and articles published in books and specialized magazines. Together with Professor Néstor Sanguinetti, he wrote the prologue to the book that summarizes the critical works presented at the conference organized around the poet at the National Library (October, 2020): Circe Maia, Palabra en el tiempo. Estudios sobre su obra (APLU / Rebeca Linke editoras, 2021). As editor of Circe Maia at Rebeca Linke she has published: Obra poética (2007, 2010, 2015), Dualidades (2014, 2017), Un viaje a Salto (2018), Voces del agua (2020) and La casa de polvo sumeria. On readings and translations (2011), republished in 2024.

Jacqueline Oliver is a professor of Spanish and Portuguese Literature and Languages graduated from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. She holds a Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature from the International University of La Rioja with the research work: Circe Maia’s poetry: philosophical channel through everyday language. Doctoral candidate in the Spanish program: advanced research in Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Salamanca with the thesis: Circe Maia: thought and mayeutics to understand reality. She is a translator, literary critic and prologue writer for national and international publishers. She is also director of the educational project Cienlee.

Gracia Morales (Motril, 1973) is a playwright and poet, co-founder of the Granada-based company Remiendo Teatro, which has staged nine shows based on her own texts and where she sometimes works as an actress and assistant director. Professor of Hispanic Literature at the University of Granada. She has published and premiered more than twenty plays, some of which have been translated into eight languages. She has won, among others, the Marqués de Bradomín Award, the Miguel Romero Esteo Award, the SGAE Award for Theater, the SGAE Award for Children’s and Young People’s Theater and the Lorca Award for Playwriting. As a poet she has published, among others, Ocho poemas para andar por casa (Cuadernos del Vigía, 2000), Manual de corte y confección (Diputación de Granada, 2001), La voz en pie (Dauro, 2014), Del hogar y sus mudanzas (2018) and Apuntes para un diccionario (Renacimiento, 2021). In 2024 Gracia Morales has been responsible for editing, selecting and prologue the poems of Circe Maia published in the anthology Aquí, en este instante (Granada City Council) on the occasion of the awarding to Circe Maia of the XX International Poetry Prize City of Granada Federico García Lorca.

Yolanda Ortiz (Jaén, 1981), PhD in Hispanic Philology, is currently a professor and researcher in the Department of Literature at the University of Granada. In the field of research, she has focused on the study of Argentine theater, although she has also worked on contemporary poetry and current Latin American narrative. In the field of creation, the book of poems el cordón umbilical (2009), winner of the XVIII Prize for New Writers of the Diputación Provincial de Jaén, is his first published work. His second book, el miedo detrás (2015), is published by Ejemplar Único. His third book, manotazos al aire (2016), comes to light thanks to Baile del Sol. In 2018 he wins the XXXI Joaquín Lobato Award with tierra de malvas, published by Piedra Papel Libros in 2019. In 2020 he won the Gerardo Diego Poetry Prize with his work Allozar, published by El Desvelo Ediciones in 2021.

Erika Martínez (1979) has a PhD in Hispanic Philology and a degree in Literary Theory. She has published five books in the publishing house Pre-Textos. Color carne (2009) won the I Premio de Poesía Joven Radio Nacional de España. El falso techo (2013) was translated into Italian by Ensamble Edizioni publishing house (2018). Crashing into Something (2017) has been translated into German by Hochroth Heidelberg Publishing House (2022). She has also been included in several anthologies, including Centros de gravedad. Poesía española en el siglo XXI (Pre-Textos, 2018) or El canon abierto. Última poesía en español (Visor, 2015). As an aphorist, she has published Lenguaraz (Pre-Textos, 2011) and has been included in Pensar por lo breve (Trea, 2013), Bajo el signo de Atenea (Renacimiento, 2017) or Fuegos de palabras (Vandalia, 2018). She is currently a professor of Latin American literature at the University of Granada.

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