Día Mundial de la Poesía 2020

Como cada año desde 2017, Granada Ciudad de Literatura UNESCO había preparado una programación especial para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Poesía en Granada. La crisis sanitaria general producida por la covid-19 ha obligado a trasladar de fecha dicha programación hasta el próximo otoño.

No obstante, nuestro proyecto de celebración del Día Mundial de la Poesía se realiza en colaboración y simultaneidad con las demás Ciudades de Literatura UNESCO. Edimburgo, Heidelberg, Cracovia, Kuhmo, Liublianja, Manchester, Melbourne, Montevideo, Nottingham, Óbidos, Reikiavik, Tartu y Ulianovsk han mantenido online sus eventos del Día Mundial de la Poesía con lecturas poéticas, flashmobs, vídeos y publicaciones en plataformas digitales.


La Edinburgh’s Scottish Poetry Library compartirá un podcast con poemas de su enorme archivo sonoro, cada hora, a lo largo de todo el día. Más información aquí.


In Krakow, they have asked a couple of poets to record themselves reading their favourite poem by Czesław Miłosz. Every day, starting from 18th March, they will publish one reading poet. They will also share the video of their ICORN writer reading in Arabic. Every post is translated into English and the translations of Miłosz’s poems should be available online.


Manchester poets will be reading about their connection to trees and nature. Poems will be shared throughout the day. www.twitter.com/mcrcityoflit


A group of Heidelberg authors decided to do a livestreamed reading with a title “Des dunklen Lichtes voll“ (a Hölderlin quote: more or less saying ‘full of dark light’). It will take place on Friday 20th March (since it is the date of Hölderlin´s birthday) and they will spread the video also on Saturday to promote World Poetry Day.

The reading – organized by the authors themselves – will be hosted on YouTube on Friday from 8-9.30 PM on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6eXx3-ZR6_fsEeR8lSkvzg

They will also try to directly share it on Facebook page of ‘LiteraturstadtHeidelberg’, here is the link to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/238636480600022/

Furthermore and together with Mannheim and the city of Lorsch nearby, they started this year to celebrate the WPD regionally publishing their events on that day on a common website: www.metropolpoesie.de


A gathering of a multidisciplinary bunch of people to unpack a poem and reinterpret it as a multisensory experience. Together they will tackle the question of what can be done to deliver the most inclusively conceptualised experience of a poem. Join the launch online at https://us04web.zoom.us/s/359937613


The Reykjavík City of Literature will celebrate World Poetry Day 2020 with six new poetry videos. Members of the Reykjavík based poetry collective Svikaskáld (Imposter Poets) will read a poem of choice by other poets, Icelandic or from abroad, and talk about their poem of choice. The readings will be in Icelandic as the foreign poems have been translated. The videos will have English subtitles. https://www.facebook.com/BokmenntaborginReykjavik/


An online celebration of World Poetry Day and World Forest Day in collaboration with Sherwood Forest. Hear narratives budding online: https://nottinghamcityofliterature.com


Poet and organiser of literary events Ignor, Dejan Koban, will be reading his poetry and a selection of poems from other poets throughout the whole day – live on Facebook. Anyone who wants to do the same can join him. You can follow him on Facebook or on https://www.facebook.com/mestoliterature/


An online event calling all people to record and poetry videos and share them. All participants and all languages welcome: https://www.facebook.com/events/707199873148254/


A poetry flash mob will take place on social media with an appeal to readers to share poems online. Videos will be posted by local, Russian and foreign poets on social networks. Follow the social media hashtag #WPDULSK20

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